And You are Afraid of Me

And U r Afraid of Me Giclee, Canvas, African American Art, Canvas Art, Wall Art, Black Art, Modern Art, Prints, Portrait, Art, History
And U r Afraid of Me Giclee, Canvas, African American Art, Canvas Art, Wall Art, Black Art, Modern Art, Prints, Portrait, Art, History

And You are Afraid of Me

from $30.00

32x48 L/E 25 Hand Embellished giclee canvas

32x48 L/E 50 giclee canvas

Most prints are not matted. Only the 11x17 are with white board, back by white foam core

Each print will be signed numbered by artist (if L/E), and varnished.

Certificate of Authenticity is provided for canvas and original all art.  

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L.E 85 Giclee on canvas certificate of authenticity and signed by the artist